Springboard® gets results
Who is the Springboard® programme designed for:
Springboard® is for all women, whatever their background, sector of employment or type of jobs. The women who attend Springboard® are motivated to change. Some may want to change something, but are not sure what. Others aim at building confidence, improving communication, clarifying where they are going, getting a better balance between work and life… The programme is designed so that every participant can set her own agenda, and take clear, practical realistic steps to succeed.
Springboard® is for all employers who want to delelop gender diversity in their teams, who want to foster creativity and innovation through the cooperation of diverse talents, and more broadly who want the benefits of developing women so they give more, and get more out of their work.
Positive results and lasting effects
With over 180 000 participants across the world, results from the Springboard® programme are well documented. Studies show that :
- 82,5% of the participants are better at goal setting
- 80% have increased confidence
- 78% are more assertive
- 76% take more initiatives
- 75% have improved relationships with colleagues
- 74% better cope with stress
- 71% feel greater motivation at work
- 68% balance better work and life
- 62% delegate more easily.
The studies also show that Springboard® has a lasting impact on its participants :
- 85% of them report keeping up with their development plans several years after attending the programme, and over
- 20% keep up networking with their original Sprinboard® group five years after the end of programme!
Source : http://www.springboardconsultancy.com/springboard.htm